Do you need a Key West photographer?
If you do, you're in the right place! Key West is a magical island where people from around the world come to experience #islandlife at its best. In Key West, there is something for everyone. Beaches, sunsets, water sports, history, art, music and festivals are just a few of the everyday things Key West is known for. Whether you're planning your wedding or engagement, or vacationing as a couple, small family or extended family, I'd love to capture the photos that will put a smile on your face and a fullness in your heart as they bring back the memory of what your Key West visit meant to you.
Take a look around and when you're ready, get in touch.

What type of photography session interests you?
Do you want to capture that look of surprise as you pop the question? Let's figure out where the perfect Key West place is for that to happen. After you hear "Yes!", we'll spend some time getting photos of you and your fiance in the area. If you're already engaged and want a Key West engagement session, we'll go to the places that bring the two of you closer and capture your love for each other.
I prefer to call these Fun Sessions! They last about 20 minutes and are perfect if you want a short session that comes with a few photos. Fun Sessions are for individuals, couples and families or friends up to six people. Check Fun Session availability and book online or contact me for other availability.
Key West is the place for events. Whether your event is scheduled for a couple of hours or spans over multiple days, I can help. Since all events are different, I'm flexible with working out coverage and deliverables. Let's talk!
Do you need to update your professional material? There's more than meets the eye that goes into getting a headshot or professional portrait to make you stand out from the crowd. Don't risk your brand. Get the headshot you need.
Get in touch with your Key West photographer